Saturday, October 24, 2020

Elheim Fantasy 20mm

Thanks to the friendly chaps at the Wargames Website, I was alerted to the new range of metal 20mm fantasy models produced by Elheim:

Currently they produce a small range including an 'Evil Trinity' of bad guys plus an adventuring party (6 models). My order arrived very quickly and I have put together some rough shots just so those interested can compare these size wise with some Caesar and Dark alliance 1/72 models.

Below shows the first three Elheim adventurers with a Caesar adventurer (far left) and a Dark Alliance Cimmerian (far right). The first Elheim figure on the right side is the halfling, which is a welcome addition to the 20mm fantasy world.

The next three adventurers are below with the Caesar and Alliance models. The female elf in the centre is quite slender, if that is your kind of thing!

Finally the 'Evil Trinity':

The Caesar figures tend to be slightly smaller, but I reckon these work well with most of the 1/72 plastics in my collection. Detail is nice, especially on the evil trio, which would make great bosses for my Dragon Rampant armies or SOBH scenarios!

Prince August Wizards

 My previous posts on goblins and orcs showed that the classic fantasy moulds from Prince August make good stand-ins for 1/72 figures. Howev...